Friday, October 29, 2010


moses puppy

today is lucy's birthday
what an aweful day it was last year
so pathetic of me to say i love you to a narsicist in the last hour
someone who will never know what it's like to really love, to be selfless
well my world is no longer yours for the taking
keep eating your cake
but don't ask for any of mine
when you relize you don't have any left
because you ate it
because you give yourself whatever you want
and then wonder why you've never actually gotten what you want
so keep your candy on speed dial
if you need a sugar fix
but take my name off your list
i'm not one of your pixie stix
i'm glad you found a woman to love you for the jerk you are
put up with your lies and pay for your stuff
well i found a woman too
but she pees on the carpet and eats my shoes
she's a needy bitch in the best kind of way
i taught her to sit and also to stay
...which is also just sitting...
she loves all my friends and my family as well
when i cry she comes to snuggle
when i come home it's time to play
what a nice girl to come home to at the end of the day
she was crafted for me before i knew
i'm a crazy dog lady
but i'd rather be with her, if the world is like you
and stay full of hope and lose a few shoes

take your panda to work day


  1. awwwwwwwwwwwww our pamba!! :D

    great post.. keep writing. you're amazing.

  2. Yay!!!

    I love Lucy too. Not because she is a dog and dogs are superior to most humans in our realm of influence. But because of how happy she has made you!!!

    p.s. I love how you taught her to sit AND stay (which is really just sitting)
