Monday, June 27, 2011


eating yellow squash 
from a yellow bowl
eating healthy foods
setting healthy goals

brewing some tea 
and brewing some thoughts
steam rises from the cup
and rises from the pot

creamy tea soothing my throat
buttery squash melts in my mouth
everything is still 
there is peace in the house

sad puppy eyes look up at me
tiny little tongue licks my knee
you won't like this squash 
it's not for dogs
it's for grown up girls 
who work hard at their jobs
and come home to a house
quiet and still
sit down at the table
with tea and with squash
with pots in the sink
that i have yet to wash
and a head full of thoughts
that i have yet to squash 

1 comment:

  1. i love this! you should publish some of these!

